Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Factory #04/11-14

Worker Merlin Welworth is looking at a fender just emerging from the oven. This is where I would work for awhile during 1976-1977. My coworker Greg Lamay also said he worked the color exchange during the 1972 model year. This view is facing north in front of the color exchange. The color exchange was simply the removal of parts from this carrier exiting the oven to a monorail line that went to another oven on the fourth floor. When the parts came back from this last oven they were placed on the monorail line taking them to final assembly. These carriers would have to go to "burn-off" on a regular basis. You will notice this one has had the paint removed from the part holding the front fender. Some workers would make jewelry from this multi layer paint (photo above). This was the oven where I would heat my ham and cheese sandwich  Hot lunch was the only good thing about working in the third floor paint factory. Some people liked it but I think the heat and fumes got to there brains. I even think I got some Dain Bramage.  

These were the caps you needed to wear in the paint shop.

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