Friday, July 4, 2008

Buick 1975

Here we see a load of Buick body's just arriving from Fisher Body at the Hamilton Avenue gate located at south Division street. That is building #44 in the background.

The red arrow shows the location of the "tank farm" during construction .This was the new centralized receiving area for all the paint and other chemicals used for painting an automobile. The yellow arrow is where the paint dept. #11 was located on the 3rd floor of factory #04. The green arrow shows factory #44 the future paint facility which was originally the engine dress area on the 1st floor. When you enlarge this photo you can see a Fisher Body hauler just under the red arrow.

This is the Buick site in 1975.

1 comment:

  1. Right there in front of the yellow arrow was a spot on Hamilton where you could pull up to drop people off. I used to drop hubby there every day until we could afford an extra car-got a Buick wagon as we had one kid and another on the way. You knew you were part of suburbia when you had a Buick wagon.
