Friday, July 22, 2011

North-End Of Factory #31

This is building #23 shown farther below.
Here is a little bit different view of the photo below. This south view is showing an addition that was made to factory #11 as a heat treat facility on the north-end of factory #11. This was called building #23. This was built around 1918. It was demolished in 1936-37 and replaced with building #83 transmission plant and 83A transmission heat treat.  July 1936 announcement.

At left is building #24 (originally 11t) "The T stood for TEST". This is the same view as the photo below. This was taken during construction in 1920. At the time, this was billed as: "New Block Test Plant" of the Buick Valve In Head Motors". This was also replaced by a new building #32. A lot of building and demolition has taken place over the years and I wonder what is next? This photo is from Don Bents book: A Place Called Buick.

Building #32 is now gone in this south-east view taken July 22, 2011 from Industrial avenue. The north section of the original (an addition added later) factory #11 engine plant is still intact and visible since the removal of most of the east end of factory #66. The last remaining part of the old crankshaft factory #66 east wing can be seen at right. Those angled roof trusses are the ones re-used from the first Buick factory on this north Flint site. These were originally on factory #01 built in 1906 alongside the Weston-Mott factory on Hamilton avenue. "I sure wish they would save those historic pieces". The third iron foundry at the north Flint site (factory #70/81) is the brown factory in the background, it's date of construction was 1926-1927.

Engine Test Factory #11T / Bldg.#24

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