Monday, July 25, 2011

Factory #44 Site Through The Years

Here is the same view as shown below (taken in 1943) of the Division st. gate. This photo was taken from across the street. My red Grand Prix shown in the photo below would be parked where the worker is walking in this photo. All photos facing west.

I took this photo July 15, 2011 showing the site seen below. I was standing where my car was parked in the photo below. Before factory #44 stood here this was the location of factory #01.
Leornard Thygesen said this was one of his most remembered shots while filming the demolition of factory #04 in 2002. This is only able to be seen because #04 has already been removed. This is the north-west corner of the second floor where the ramp went into the paint department from #04 to #44. You are facing east.

I took this photo in 2001 when demolition south of Leith st. was just beginning. The brown building is factory #44 built in 1974. The brick factory beyond that is factory #04 built in 1947. The gate is Division street which runs through the entire Buick complex for two miles. The 1995 Pontiac Gran Prix was my old car.   

Factory #44 During Construction

Factory #44 Buick City

Buick 1975

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