Sunday, December 16, 2007

Factory #01

This view with the first office is from 1908. This view is facing north.

In this view from March 1934 we can see demolition taking place at factory #01 (north of the main office). The east and south wings of the building are now removed. Only the center section will be rebuilt. This is the second remodel to this factory. The one before this in 1926 when the original roof trusses were removed and re-used on factory #66. Link:

Factory #01 Roof Trusses

East Hamilton Avenue Gate.

Above is shown Four different views of factory #01.
This view from 1923 is looking north east, the arrow is pointing at the east wing of factory #01, in the direction of the previous post. The cross streets are Hamilton and Industrial avenue.


  1. I just want you to you can praise Buick Motor Division and it's factories all you want, but Buick killed my Grandfather Russell Lowell Frey from lung cancer derived from your hazardous factory, a breeding ground for asbestos. He put 34 yrs of service in for you, helped create the overflow system for the engine. and what did he get? A hole dug in the ground for him after the mesothelioma spread to his heart and bones. He died in 1981, and my Grandma was so afraid of losing her pension from Buick as a widow she wouldn't file a wrongful death suit. It has all come out know- you concentration camp employers of the 30s and 40s- Fuck you Buick- a day in court is coming- demolition can't hide the evidence, bodies are now being exhimed as many perished from this unusual cancer. You are a shame to Flint.

  2. I agree!! What hell holes these people worked in! So far over 1000 cases are on record for lung and colon cancer...we will get these bastards! And just think, back in the day (1950's) you could get cancer for a measly wage of 3.50 an hr.They tore down Buick City and most of the factories, but they couldn't bury the truth..just their dead.
    Haha Buick...your day is so close. Even the boss of the brake dept admitted it was a cancer causing workplace, and oh by the way, this was shortly before he died from.......CANCER.
