Thursday, January 17, 2008

Weston-Mott Company

This postcard (probably just after 1909) shows the Weston-Mott factories before the (Total) Buick buyout in 1917. The factories are bottom to top #01 which became Buick #31. Then #04 which became Buick #34. Then at top #05 which became Buick #35.
This view looking north at Weston-Mott in 1908 was taken from the roof of W.F. Stewart #04, the body shop. At the right you can see part of factory #01 then to the north you can see factory #06 and #07 also the Buick powerhouse, then directly to the north of Weston-Mott is Michigan Motor Casting. At the left you can see the Oak Park subdivision being built. Power was turned on (First Steam) for the Weston-Mott factory #01 on August 8, 1906. The formal opening was done in September. A total of 400 machines were in operation at the start-up. They claim that only 20 employees were present at the start-up. I don't know how that many men could operate that amount of machines? The original size was 60,000 square feet. In October of 1908 Weston-Mott began expansion for an additional 105,000 square feet along Industrial Avenue directly north. In a letter dated July 31, 1909 Charles Mott tells William "Billy" Little that he has contracted with Mr. Wood to build a new factory in back of the Imperial Wheel building. This would be Weston-Mott factory #04.The size would be 400 ft. long by 74 ft. wide, two stories tall with a basement. They predicted 3 months to complete construction. The same letter mentions another factory would also be built of the same dimensions along side of the first one. (The actual location would be farther to the north where future factory #94 would eventually be built). It would be factory #5 or future Buick #35.

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