Friday, February 8, 2008

Factory #01 Roof Trusses

These are the original trusses still in place in 1910. This view is facing northwest across Hamilton and Division.

This photo shows the roof trusses from the first Buick factory #01 on Hamilton Avenue. Their still in existence on this wing of the old crankshaft factory #66 located at Industrial ave. and Gillespie st. I spent a week once in this part of the factory, at that time known simply as the north end of #31. This was the location for a truck driver training school. This factory built in 1926 used the roof trusses from factory #12 for the north south wing and the trusses from #01 were used for the east west wing. Factories #01 and #12 both had their height increased in 1926. So an original part of the first Buick factory in the Oak Park factories is still in existence today. I looked at this area in January 2008.

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