Saturday, March 29, 2008

Last Full-Size Rear Drive Buick's

The year 1984 was the last year for the Buick "Electra" a top of the line model since 1959.

This photo facing south at the north-end of factory #04 on the first floor, shows the the final slat line with William Harchick driving the car off the line. This is February 8th, 1985. The crowd here is a mix of all sorts, management and Union and assemblers and a few material people. The gentleman at left in sweater with beard was our Union 599 President Fred Myers who died shortly after in a freak accident at his cabin in northern Michigan. He was installing a new dock using an electrical drill while standing in the water when he dropped it,electrocuting himself. I still wonder if he was really that careless or was their fowl play. He was not well liked by some in the union and management due to a recent change in power at the union hall between "Unity" and "U&I". We also had a new upstart called "New Directions". As I recall Unity jackets were blue & gold, U&I were silver & gold with New Directions being Blue & white. I was not much for politics but I thought I knew people and I was usually wrong.
I'm confused by the color of this Buick called the last 1985? I had no other place for it at this time. More research required.

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