Friday, February 13, 2009

Many Faces Of Durant

Durant's last enterprise, The North Flint Recreation Center.

Looking like a true leader.

Adolescent William.

Young Durant with a hair style that you would see today.

Billy's son Russell "Clifford" in the first Chevrolet.

Billy in the light colored cap during the 1906 Glidden tour.
Walter Marr & Billy Durant 1906 Glidden.

Durant sitting at his desk in the office at Durant Dort on Water street in Flint. Dallas Dort is on the left and Fred Aldrich is on the extreme right.

Durant and old friend Dort having beans and ham in New York.

Billy demonstrating the Samson tractor.


  1. Hi Gary;

    Great page !!!! Congrats!

    On the pic listed as Billy with wife Catherine, and Gr. Daughter, Marjory, Marjory was Billy's daughter from his 1st wife Clara Pitt, they also had a son Russell Clifford, he's may great uncle.

    I've been researching his life for 8 years now. If you have any info on him please let me know, thanks.

  2. Hi, Michele. I live in Clara Pitt Durant's Los Angeles home. I've been researching her for a while and would love to get in touch. Todd. email:
