Saturday, August 8, 2009

Charles Stewart Mott comes to town.

Mott in front of the G.M. headquarters in Detroit.  The Town Mott Built.

This is the document that first brought Charles Mott to Flint. Mott and his associates liked what they saw in Flint and decided to move their entire operation there. Another inducement was a loan of $100,000.00 floated through the Flint banks. The Weston -Mott factory would go up simultaneously with Buick factory #1 on Hamilton ave. in the Oak Park Industrial area. A few interesting things about this document are, William Durant also adding that he was from the Durant-Dort Carriage Co. Also under the carriage company reference you will notice the initials of the person who typed this document,  C. L. which stood for Catherine Lederer. The story goes that Durant's daughter Margery was a friend of Catherine and were both the same age (19). Durant was 45 at the time but as with many older men he was a cradle robber. Catherine's mother would not allow this relationship, so in an end run Durant hired her as his secretary. They would marry in 1908 the day after his divorce from his wife Clara was final. The last thing you will note is that this was done on the Jackson factory stationary. 

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