Friday, March 19, 2010

Buick City "The Beginning"

A welcome back from the local union. I had a lot of fun in the Buick city training program. "It sure beat working for a livin' and takin' what their givin' ".   December 1984 first look at the new Buick.

Here we see the Mayor of Buick City Herb Stone. Factory #04 and #44 and building #16 or new #40 is shown.

This was how the powerhouse (building #7) looked prior to Buick City. The name would change to Buick Oldsmobile Cadillac Group and eventually Buick City.

Going over the layout table for the planned construction of Buick City.

This photo taken from the roof of the Administration building (aka.) World headquarters or as we liked to call it: "The Ivory Tower" shows factory #04 in the distance with the Warren street parking lot being graded after the old original Oak Park neighborhood has been razed. When you enlarge this photo you will notice the third floor windows (at right) have an odd bricked in area. This was where a large steam pipe exploded in the late 70's and sent shrapnel falling on the workers cars parked along Industrial ave. News article here.

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