Monday, January 24, 2011

Buick Dealers

The factory #03 Drop Forge is in the background.

You can see the rail loading dock that Buick used in 1916 in the right background.

Instead of a banner on factory #06 the factory is now painted "BUICK MOTOR COMPANY PIONEER BUILDER VALVE-IN-HEAD MOTOR CARS".

I tried buying, but was outbid by a dealer. Above is shown some other closeup photos.

This photo which is reminiscent of the Walter Chrysler photo showing 5,000 Buick workers was taken 3 years later on June 21,1916. The photo above is the whole panorama.

5,000 Buick Employees

Weston-Mott Employees

Walter Chrysler Photo 5,000 Buick Employees

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