Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Portland Cement.

Kids from Flint spent many an hour around the ruins of these old cement works located between Silver lake and Lake Ponemah. My parents would not let me play here because of my age. While Swimming in Silver lake you were always reminded of the drop off which is sudden and steep. It was caused by the dredging around these lakes in the first half of the 20th century. The last time I was near here you could still see some of the walls standing. A popular bar is located on Ponemah now. I did get a chance to fill in on guitar there one night during a bands break.
A closeup of the panorama farther below. Silver lake was on the left just beyond the road.

Closeup of the panorama below. That is Ponemah on the right. 
Aetna Portland Cement Company. located on the southern edge of Genesee County. This was the glue that held the bricks together, that built the early factories.

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