Saturday, November 22, 2014

Buick Security.

 These Buick officers were always the good guys. I dealt with them on a daily basis when I was a clerk for shipping and receiving. When Buick outsourced their duties to the Pinkerton Agency, after the creation of Buick City, "The good old days at the Buick" were truly gone forever.
 That is factory #31 axle plant in the background which was originally the old engine plant #11 until 1953 & 1954 when the new engine plant #36 was opened for business. This is facing directly north on Division Street just north of Leith Street. This was found on my friend Gordon Young's site at the following link: 

Flint Photos: Buick Plant Security in the Fifties

 This building housed Main medical, Works engineering, Master mechanic, Security, Metallurgy, Factory Safety store and Personnel and employment.
This is building #85 where I hired in on October 9, 1972.   During World War II.  Other Links: 

Buick Personnel Factory #11 Demolished. Leith Street Revisited.

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