Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Division Street Gate.

This is the same gate as shown below only in 1974. That is body receiving shown in the foreground and mentioned below. That is factory #44 being built. I entered this gate more than any other in my 30 years with G.M. and it was also my first and last at Buick.

Factory #44 During Construction  Factory #44 Site Through The Years

This view facing northwest is the same gate as shown in the photos above and below. That is body receiving in the background. I like the sign at right: BEAT OLD AGE & GOUT 30 & OUT  Story about 30 & out September 1971. These workers are the reason I am enjoying retirement today instead of laying in a casket. 
This ghost image shows the Buick factory in 1910 at the same location as shown above & below.  

Ghost Of The Past

This would be the most photographed entrance of the Buick factory in Flint, Michigan.   This photo I took is included in the newest book published  about Flint by author Gordon Young.  The book is titled... Teardown: Memoir of a vanishing city.                                                                                                                                                                                      Links: 

Division Street Revisited. Division street During 100 Years. Division Street 1947 Body Receiving 1960 

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