Friday, January 14, 2011

Industrial & Hamilton Avenue 1915.

In this 1915 view of the Weston-Mott factory it shows a lot of activity. The  Industrial bank has been in place since 1909 and the road surface is having some more brick work done. I also like how Weston is misspelled. Also this has a good look at Buick factory #01.

Close-up detail showing more bricks being laid at the intersection. I think the street car line (follow links) was extended from this intersection all the way to Saginaw street at this time. Also great office detail.

Close-up detail of the south-west corner of the Weston-Mott factory.

This Weston-Mott employee never mailed this card. It must have been his personal keepsake, as evidenced by his note on the back.
Here is the Industrial Bank in 1915. 
Here is the main Industrial Bank in Downtown Flint.  

links: Weston Mott & Industrial Bank

Weston Mott 1906-1909

Weston Mott 1909

Buick winter

Weston-Mott Company

Inside Weston-Mott

Weston-Mott 1923

Factory #10 and #07 during construction. Plus Industrial and Hamilton

Weston-Mott Employees

Industrial and Hamilton Showing Oak Park Subdivision

Weston-Mott Officers

Hamilton and Industrial

The Oak Park Industrial Complex 1907

Buick 1920

Industrial and Hamilton

Early views of Buick & Weston-Mott.

Industrial and Hamilton Avenue

Industrial & Hamilton Avenue 1913

Weston-Mott At Industrial & Hamilton

Factory #4 Postcard Showing Bank                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Mott's Legacy.

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