Thursday, September 1, 2011

Court Yard Between Factory #06 and #07.

This I believe is the second floor of #06-b. Dated 1915, but the original at the Buick Research Gallery says 1925-26. Some of the photos in the Research Gallery are mislabeled, "so do your research carefully". I'm not really sure of the date. Were seeing the seats being stuffed.

The arrow points to the area shown below.

This north facing view of the area between factories #06 (right.) and #07 (left.) were designated as 06-b, 06-c and 06-d. This photo is dated as May 5, 1919. Trivia: This brick wall of factory #07 was still standing when factory #40 (building #16) was torn down in 2002. In 1947 when #40 was erected it was built connected to old #07. When the combined factories of #62 were demolished in 1963 this wall remained. I always liked that wall and it's old architecture style. Click here to See the wall when this area was demolished in 1946. This photo is from the Buick Research Gallery. 

Buick Assembly 1922

Factory #06 Assembly

Overview Buick 1938

Factory #07 Seat Stuffing

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