Saturday, March 10, 2012

Work Safely Today - Tomorrow - Always.

This is the same area (shown below on Leith Street) during a later strike.

Here we are facing west during a strike at Buick. That is bridge #20 in the foreground. Factory #11 is on the right. On the left is building #23 then factory #29 followed by #12-A and #12. The bridge in the distance carried axle assembly's from factory #31. In my time the far bridge carried axles to factory #04, which would date this photo after 1940 when the new axle plant was built. Buick had a strike just after the war so I'm thinking this is 1946. Factory #31 was first called 66-A because it was connected to factory #66 crankshaft plant.

This a a closeup of bridge #20 over Leith Street. This is the bridge that carried motors from factory #11 to factory #62. The Safety warnings are the same as shown in the 1934 Oak Park photo.
This east facing view in 2002 shows the overhead bridge conveyor that is shown in the photos above (distant one) being removed. This is a snip from the Leonard Thygesen documentary.

Bridge #20

Leith Street Revisited Once Again.

Factory #31 During Construction

Oak Park Entrance 1934 - 2001.

Factory #29 Tool Factory.

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