Saturday, March 10, 2012

Factory #10.

  This view is looking straight north up old Michigan Avenue in the Buick Heights. As pointed out by Leonard Thygesen the stacks at the left on the foundry #70 are not belching smoke but steam from the scrubbers that were installed. That would make this at least sometime after 1971.  Leonard feels the photographer would be atop the new stacks of the new Power Plant at Buick built between 1971 - 1973.  In the distance in order  we see #10, #36 and #38. 

St. Johns Industrial Park Urban Renewal near Buick

Buick Test Track During World War II.

Buick North-End 2008 - 2010

Liberator Engine work at Buick.

Factory #05/#10 War Work

Factory #10

Building #38 Warehouse

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