Saturday, December 25, 2010

December 25, 2010 Buick Demolition

North-end factory #36. Demolition has also started on the north-end of #38 warehouse but I missed the photo. I was on my way to spend Christmas day with my kids, and thought I would stop by the old workplace for a visit.

North-end factory #36.

North-end factory #36.

North-end factory #36.

North-end factory #36.

North-end factory #36.

North-end factory #36.

North-end factory #36.

South-west side factory #36.

South-east end factory #36.


Mike said...

LOL. You, Mister, love your Buicks!!! *shout out from beaverton*

Mike said...

LOL. You, Mister, love your Buicks!!! *shout out from beaverton*