Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Division Street Revisited.

Hamilton avenue and Division street looking directly north on July 15, 2011. Since the demolition the wildlife has returned.

This is the Buick powerhouse; also known as factory #14 located at the intersection of Leith street and Division street. This view is facing north-east. The cooling pond for the water is shown in the foreground, running along Division street.

This looks like a group from the tank training school that was also located at Buick in Flint. This is in front of the main office on Hamilton avenue at the main entrance. This must have been some milestone, because of all the high ranking officials present. That looks like Harlow Curtice in the front row (5th from left). There is a Hellcat insignia in front.

A north-west view showing the security tower and the main office on Hamilton avenue. Factory #01 is seen at the right. I entered Buick here many times, including my first.

This north-east view shows a security tower being erected at the Hamilton avenue and Division street entrance. Factory #40 is seen at the left with the Pere Marquette dispatch office (light brick) at right. This must be previous to 1938 because that was the year that the old Imperial Wheel factory was demolished, and it is visible just behind the rail cars.

This view facing directly north shows the demolition of old factory #06. This would be 1946, the year my father hired in after returning from the Pacific theater. This photo taken from the main office shows factory #01 in the left foreground. Beyond that we see factory #62 which was actually old factory #07 and #10 that were combined with a roofed over area in-between thus creating factory #62. Factory #40 is shown at the right. The new factory #40 bldg. #16 will be built where #06 is located and would be the first factory I entered after I hired into Buick in 1972. The outside wall of old factory #07 would become the inside wall of the new factory #40. Factory #62 was the final assembly area for the M-18 tanks shown below.
Link: Complete 1946 Buick Magazine.
A nice view of the Hamilton Avenue entrance; shortly after World War II. Notice the guard towers which were present throughout the Buick complex in anticipation of the United States entry into the second World War. This north facing view has factory #01 at left, factory #06 middle and factory #40 at the right along the Pere Marquette rail line.

Another batch of M-18 "Hellcats" ready for their trip to Europe. The year is 1943. Buick factory #01 is at left with factory #06 trailing off to the north.

Division Street

Memories Before Buick City

Division Street 1947

Division Street 1934

Division Street 1936 thru 1938

Factory #40 1997

Factory #40 Description + Display

Factory #40 1923

M18 Hellcats ready for shipping.

Factory #06 Assembly

Buick factory #1 & #6

Division street Buick 50's / 90's

Division Street Buick 1997 + Buick layout

Division street During 100 Years.

Buick At It's Battle Stations

Buick Assembly 1922

Building #16 factory #40 1947

Factory #07 Seat Stuffing

Assembly factory #06

Factory #06 Assembly

Buick factory #1 & #6

Buick Factories 1908

Buick Factory #1 Hamilton st. Flint Michigan (view south west)

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