Thursday, March 15, 2012

Aerial Buick.

This is most of Buick in 1952 and would be late 52 because of the large stacks being removed from the powerhouse and the new scrubbers in place.

Here is the same area as shown below in a print published by Buick in 1953 showing factory #36 finished (at least 1/2 of it’s future size) and #71-A done, with factory #05 completed.

This is the print from the Buick Research Gallery in Flint. The part circled in green is the future site of the foundry addition #71-a. The building north of factory #10 circled in red is unknown at this time. This is where factory #36 will be built beginning in 1952 and ending in 1953. I did contact the author of the book “A Place Called Buick” by Don Bent and he seemed to recall that a cannery may have existed on the future factory #36 site. My research turned up a foundry near here but a bit farther to the west on the west corner of Andrew and Stewart.

Leonard Thygesen sent along this fine photo from his private collection. I have found this photo in a Buick magazine dated December 1949, so it is at least that old.
The inset photo showing the Buick Service Parts building (I believe) was planned and never built, maybe a little more research is required. This could be the SPO on Dort highway in Flint? Things moved very fast after the war and many plans were changed on the fly. The view is north-east.   Links:

Leonard Thygesen Historic Documentary.

Buick Aerial View 1936

Last Remnant Of Factory #36

Buick North 1966 Overview

Buick 1953 Air View

Overview Buick 1938

Factory Designations

Flint Photos Supplied From The Weaver Family

Buick City Building Designations

Buick Factory Designations

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