Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Division Street 1957 To 1997.

This photo I personally took in 1997 just before I left for work at Bay City Powertrain. Notice the new bridge (#43) that is blocking the view of factory #40 building #16. I watched this bridge being built. This factory also has it's addition on it's west side now. This addition was where I first worked at Buick. I spent the majority of my time with Buick right there. Notice the truck dock called 16 north. The trailers are parked directly under bridge #43. In the photo below this one you can see the entrance for the train into the rail dock called 16 rail, where I was a clerk in 1977. The north end of factory #40 was drastically altered in 1985 for the creation of Buick City, with the rail dock being filled in. I personally seen that work going on with a lot of sand used for the backfill. The original tracks are still in place here under concrete. The demolition at Buick City did not cut through the floor here. Just inside the rail door (shown below) was the location where I entered the underground tunnels in the early seventies. Notice the changes to factory #02/#08 on the left. The ramp now terminates half way down and another floor has been added. This was the original train shed and Buick shipping

The same exact spot as shown above facing south on Division Street. Factory #02/#08 is on the left. Factory #40 building #16 is the tall building barley visible in the photo above this one. The factory #03 forge is just barley visible on the right. Factory #12 cis on the right in 1997. The ramp on the left led to the second floor pilot area in 1972. This is during an open house in 1957. The original export shipping factory #09 was located on the exact footprint of factory #40/#16 until after World War II and the construction of building #16, or as it was commonly called "new #40". Link:
Division street Buick 50's / 90'sM-4 Sherman Tank Drive.Another view inside factory #02/08
Inside train shed 1942 + early '20s
Northend factory #02/#08Factory #02 Train Shed Vehicle EntranceFactory #02 train shed 1923Train Shed At Buick Rail EntranceDivision Street 1947Factory #40 Building #16 1947 & 1997Factory #40/bldg 16 1978Factory #40/bldg 16
Division Street Revisited.

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