The location for this 1976 photo in the old Oak Park subdivision is diagrammed below. That is factory #04 in the distance. You can even see the small box like structure on the roof of the factory that is shown below. Link the following for another Oak Park view.
Here is a 1976 photo taken by Michael Hayman. His photo is facing east towards Industrial Avenue. I knew the Oak Park neighborhood pretty good, but not as well as some crack addicts I knew.
One more Industrial Avenue business.
Another of the many businesses tied in with the Buick factory.
Facing north on Industrial Avenue at the corner of Industrial and Parkland. Shown on map below. The building on the right is 'old' factory #12. |
Felix Bober in front of his service station on Industrial Avenue and Edmund Street. The maps at the bottom show the location near the Buick factory. I do not know which corner this is because Edmund street crossed Industrial at that time, when a neighborhood was still located where factory #05/building #43 would be built in the early fifties.
Link: Collier-Bober Family.
Bober's Filling Station
Bober's Filling Station
3930 Industrial Ave., Flint, Michigan
Felix Bober-2, at your service!
During 1910 these lots were being sold by a lottery drawing. This site would be the parking lot of future factory #05.
1921. |